Handling Rejection (In D365 Workflows)

Handling rejection can be tough.  Understanding D365 workflows can be tough.  So understanding how rejection is handled in D365 Workflows can be, well, trickier than a freshman getting a date to senior prom. 

My high school guidance counselor taught me experiencing rejection makes us more complete people. 

When setting up Dynamics AX workflows, it is important to test the approval process. But testing is not complete until the rejection process has also been examined.  Testing rejections can be much more complex because workflow behavior needs to be examined for rejection and resubmission at each stage of the workflow.  Below is an example of why this is important.

Workflow Example

Let’s consider two expense report workflows below.  Each uses a multi-level approval where an accounting reviewer approves for correctness (eg “Is the math right?”), and then an Expense reviewer approves for appropriateness (eg “Should this have been expensed?”).  The workflows look similar, the rejection behaviors have an important distinction.

Workflow 1

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