D365 Finance | Missing Data Entities – Refresh Entity List

Note to future self:

In the data management workspace, if you don’t see a data entity that you expect to see, try refreshing the entity list. This is particularly the case when a new data entity is created, or a trail environment is first spun up.

Go to Data management workspace

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Get Your Free Trial of Dynamics 365

Microsoft has made it simple to to spin up your own 30-day trial environment of D365.
Many thanks to Rick, friend-of-the-blog, for walking me through the steps.

– Trials.Dynamics.com –

Goto https://trials.dynamics.com, click on desired D365 product and provide work email/phone number.

You currently have the ability to startup a trial of D365 Sales, Customer Service, Field Service, Project Service Automation, Business Central, Human Resources, Retail, and (of course) Finance and Operations.

Agree to the terms and conditions, and decide whether or not to opt into marketing messaging.

Kudos to the restraint of the marketing team leaving the opt-in checkbox unselected by default. If your organization belongs to a Microsoft 365 tenant, you can proceed straight to spinning up your trial environment. The process may take up to 30 minutes from here. If your organization does not have a Microsoft 365 tenant, there will be a few more steps.

Once the environment is created, you will receive an email from Lifecycle Services.

The “Click here to start” link will take you to your new trial environment.

The environment will come preconfigured with D365’s legendary Contoso default data. Congratulations! You are now the proud owner user of a 30-day trial environment. Have any questions about what to do from here? Ping me in the comments:)